Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Achey Breaky Foot

This past weekend was a whirl wind. What, with Christmas right around the corner and all. Christmas lights were up all around the tri-city area from Frederick to Baltimore to DC. Temperatures were frigid, wind was howling, and skies were decorated with buoyant clouds of threatening navies and grays.
With a great gathering of family and friends on Saturday at the barn, it was a fuel building affair with pork, oysters, potatoes, and baked beans. Good eats warmed our bellies even as the wind whipped through the pastures and our fingers grew to popsicles. Good conversations and close friends also made the afternoon worth braving the incoming winter force.

With all of the festivities on Saturday, it was nice to have planned a run with a few ladies that used to share the track back in our high school days. Reuniting at the party, we planned a Christmas light run as the sun set below the Blue Ridge.

Since my marathon will be happening in *gulp* 18 days, I had to get in a long run before my legs gave up the idea of a soon-to-be 26.2 mile race. Tackling 11 miles with no one but myself and my spotify playlist, I conquered the majority of the run unscathed. Scooping up my friends along the way, we completed six more miles reminiscing of simpler times before adult responsibilities and looking at red and green lanterns around town.

As we stretched out our tired legs and said our good byes, I noticed the arch in my foot began whimpering in pain (or maybe that whimpering was coming from my own two lips). After a long soak in a pan of ice and popped pills, my foot was starting to feel a tad bit better. My legs, on the other hand, were ready for bed at 7:30pm. Too bad, I informed them, it's Christmas movie time with the pup.

While the legs rested and gave the rest of my body mercy, the right foot is still not in the best of moods, cramping up with too much activity and aching when elevated. But here's the deal, aching arch- I'll rest you for a bit and feed you the best anti-inflammatory medicine CVS has to offer... but you better carry me across that finish line in a little over two weeks! Mickey is waiting for you!

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