Monday, June 4, 2012

Brief Weekend Recap

This weekend I moved into my new apartment right in the South Park area of Charlotte. Let me tell you, getting that horse trailer into the city wasn't an issue... until 4pm rush hour hit on the highway!

We get to the apartment, look for the keys, find them...
Drive off to find my dad, get lost, find him, get lost again....
Dear Charlotte- Why do all of your streets change names every four blocks?! That's not normal just in case you thought it was...

Anyway... through some tears, bumps and bruises from carrying couches and mattresses up the stairs, and a lot of stress... we finally have a functional apartment with electricity, groceries in the pantry, and a semi-normal looking living space. My bedroom, which is a little lot smaller than I had planned originally, is filled to the brim with pictures of family and friends, clothes, and my collection of Friends DVD's. No pictures yet, but once the place comes together at least 90%, I'll share some pictures of the little abode.

Until then, I am spending time working on finding a job, drinking my first cup of Caribou Coffee since the move, and trying to find sanity in this crazy life decision I just made. Whew! Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Congratulations and best of luck to you! Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need...

  2. I am so glad that you are finally here!!! Hooooooray! You are going to love Charlotte, it's such an adventure and where you are living is the PERFECT location even with a tiny room (hey what's not to love about city loving)!


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