Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Hello lovely friends! I just wanted to use my Wednesday post to introduce you all to my newest trial&error project- AthlEats!

My new blog (FOUND HERE) Is all about my adventures in the kitchen and outside the house in order to live a happy, healthy lifestyle. I post many different recipes and workouts on this blog, but would love to use these instances to form a community in order to motivate others to become active and eat healthy too!

I would love to know what you think and send your own healthy recipes my way to mkel412 (at) gmail (dot) com to become a part of my newest venture! Could it fail, absolutely! But just like I mentioned in THIS post, it's spring! Why not try something to see if it could succeed with flying colors!

I will still be On the Wing daily, so don't forget to stop back for everything in-between!

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