Wednesday, December 29, 2010

R(in)R#2- Get to Know God Better

This resolution was the biggest one on my list for last year.
I know it's lengthy but if you read only one of my blog posts from now 'til next year, I pray it's this one:
It meant the most to me, and has had the greatest impact on my year by far.

Like I had said before, I sat in my bed on NYE when these resolutions came pouring inside my head... but this one was the only one to really reach my heart

I have always held fast on my faith in God. I have read His word, have believed every syllable in His book, and knew He was there... But sadly, it was almost like he was a long distance friend I only occasionally called on the telephone on an idle Wednesday night via collect...
And it was that NYE that it hit me... I NEED to change that
(If you didn't already know, I talk in Metaphor A LOT, and this post is no exception)

I could go on for days about how this relationship started forming, how it really started to turn from a ball of clay into something worth putting on display from within my own heart.
But I will do my best to keep it sweet and simple....

I started out in January leaving sticky notes around my room to make sure I was keeping up with this promise I made...

In the beginning, I had to answer these reminders with "Shoot! I need to get on that!" or "I forgot to do it! I ran out of time"
But after some time, I was able to pass these reminders and say "Yup! First thing this morning!" and my favorite, "Yea, several times already." It wasn't long until those reminders weren't needed anymore.
Now, I look back at those original statements and those excuses... 
they just don't even seem realistic anymore. 
They are virtually unacceptable.

I started meeting new people, Godly people that overflowed with Love and Genuine Faith. I started really GOING to church... really understanding what I was digesting through each message my pastor was giving. I took those lessons, the challenges we were set out to conquer throughout our week and really put them in play. I took time out and prayed at least twice EVERY DAY, and not just the traditional "Now I lay my head to sleep..." prayer, but having conversations with God just like I would with my own best friends... Really thanking him for giving me everything I have in my life. The friendships that have built me, the heart and mind that He gave me that supplies me with the courage, motivation, and drive to be who I am for his purpose. 
Finally, this summer I wanted to take everything that I had achieved, became, and was working towards from the past several months of my relationship with Christ and I got baptized on the beach with over 80 people from my church. I cannot begin to write out what the feeling was like. One of my best friends baptized me... I can't put into words how special it was to have someone baptize me who really helped me to reach that point with God that I could strongly stand firm and say "I give my life and ways up to Him". It was such an enormous blessing.
I pray my faith is not only growing in my own heart, but can overflow to fill others as well.
Now, when I go to surf at 5:30am and sit on my board, I not only have a great time with friends, but I also have great conversations and meaningful prayers with the One who gave me this ocean and this body to surf with. I go on runs and praise God for the ability to breathe his air and the legs that take me out there in the first place.
I am still growing, and I know this New Years Resolution has transformed into my way of life.
It's not something that you should work on for a year, a few years, a decade. It should be something you decide to follow from the point you know you're ready... for the rest of your life.


  1. Amazing stuff lady. I am glad you've been able really grow in your relationship with God. :)

  2. Great stuff, Maxann! Love it!


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