Before there were Text Messages and Emails, before L.O.L and O.M.G, one had to rely on a simple form of communication that can almost be considered “endangered” in today’s society. You’re right, that form was hand-written communication. And no other form of hand written communication touched the heart more than a genuine, true-inked Love Letter.
If asked to define a “Love Letter”, the best reply I could give would be: The form of expression of attraction between two individuals initiating a common interest for each other.

While reading through the letters sent from Harry to Lola, my heart just collapsed on itself from exposure to pure devotion from two simple human beings. The first letter that was written in 1910 was before the courtship truly took place. It was as Harry was heading off to school in Washington, and their friendship kept them in touch.
He talked of “the ladies and young girls who were invited to the dance”. You see, Harry attended an all-boys school, where the girls were invited in for this special occasion. Harry said it was the Universities attempt to allow the students to “Meet New Scholars”. He continued on to write how nights following the dance, he could do nothing but sit at home to think of her, and how much he missed her company. This particular note ended “I will close with lots of love and a kiss, Harry”

The second of these letters was unlike the other two. Apparently, Lola had played a seemingly harmless joke on Harry through words she conveyed to friends. Harry was hurt, however, and his letter was short and filled with anger. But in closing he confirmed that he was just happy to have had her thoughts on him for even a minute of her precious time. The third and final letter was written four years later, 1914, a few months before they were to be wed. (This is the letter I love the most!) Harry was once again separated from Lola and was forced to use the fastest form of communication at the time, his ink and thoughts. This letter started off, “On nights when I am lonely, I turn my thoughts to you, where I am sure they should be.” He also states in truth, “How I wish you were in Washington to spend the evenings with me… to go see the nicest pictures and the very best operas, just to see what you are missing.”

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