How Was My Weekend, You Ask?
Well, let me just fill you in...
- I went home to MD to visit family and friends. Which is always nice!
- Met with a friend I haven't seen in over 5 months. We talked about love, life, and God, all over coffee... Who could ask for a better morning?!
- Went shopping and to the Cheesecake Factory with my mom and bought an extremely cute khaki dress to wear at my new job!
Drove back to Wilmington with a starry sky overhead and the windows down... ahhh Summertime Bliss
- Had an amazing Family Meeting with my church. I am so blessed to have heard God's word coming through my pastor.
- Realized that through everything, "God's Call is always followed by His Promise"-Pastor Jeff Kapusta
- Wrote a blog about my great grandparents' Love Letters which left my heart a twitter
- Oh, and a little thing called BAPTISM!
- I was baptized on the beach with 82 other people from Lifepoint Church. I began my new journey with Christ fulfilling my whole heart with his love and guidance (A Later Blog will be posted on this event)
Hope everyone had an amazing weekend! Oh, and...
Happy Monday!
okay!you are beautiful inside and out and I am so glad you found my blog so I could find you! Praise the Lord on the baptism of you and 82 others! Amazing what the Lord can do if you just let him in! Love your blog and I would follow but I did see where to? You are an inspiration and keep blogging and doing what you do! XOXO Jessica