Monday, July 12, 2010

Just Keep Swimming!..And Biking...and Running...

Start the Countdown!
12 Days until the Lake Wylie Sprint Triathlon in Fort Mill, SC

My first thought when deciding to do a triathlon was: "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to do this with my friends and try something new!"
Second thought: "How the heck do I train for this thing?"

Well, it's been three weeks since I decided to actually go through with it, and for three weeks I have tried to make my own training schedule. And as of now, I have 1 week left before I am supposed to rest before The Big Day.

I started off with just one a days, trying to bring up my endurance. 4-6 mile runs in the mornings, 9-13 mile bike rides every other day, and only a few ocean swims for consecutive 10 minutes, repeating until a 30 min workout was completed.

This week will be my last 6 days of two-a-morning bike/run sessions, with afternoon swimming Mon/Wed/Fri.

Whew, that makes me tired just looking at it! But i know it must be done if I want to finish this race in good standing...and standing up.

I just completed my first morning of a 14 mile ride followed by an immediate two mile run, and feeling pretty darn good! But I know by mid-week, optimism could be running low, so I must keep in mind my favorite motivational speaker's notorious words:

"Just Keep Swimming! Just Keep Swimming!"

(... and biking... and running)

1 comment:

  1. SO EXCITED!! (and very slightly intimidated... by the event, not so much by you... ok maybe a little by you. :-)


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