Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Power of Imagination

When someone says imagination, what do you immediately think of? A castle with fire breathing demons and fairies flocking to the skies? Perhaps the word imagination is nothing more than a term you've coined as a fictional tale that inhabits our mind. A figment of our dreams that seems to make their way to our conscious once we awake in the morning but dissolves by lunch.

But what if this word, this concept of imagination, followed you outside the confines of your front door and lead you into your daily routine... Not instead of the logical, for this logic is necessary to perform tasks that make us functional beings, of course. Tasks like figuring out how to be on time, watching for traffic when crossing the street, budgeting our funds to support our lifestyles.

No... Imagination doesn't have to mean conjuring up a thought of distant and unreachable realities. Take a step into the minds of some of the best imagineers...

An engineer imagined a place where we could escape to so we may revive the inner child we house inside our hearts. He imagined a mouse... or rather, a sense of tangible magic that we could share in order to make our lives more connected in whimsical spirit. He imagined, and so he did...

A man imagined a world of peace and acceptance. He dreamed of equality, happiness, and a world of diminished hatred. He stood up in front of our nation, he stood up in front of the world... and shared his dreams to the masses. He imagined, and so he did...

An author worked in a coffee shop, imagining a world of witches and wizards. This world in her mind made its way to paper in order to teach us "muggles" of our own struggles between good and evil- hatred succumbing to the power of love and friendship. She imagined, and so she did...

Imagination doesn't have to be a concept of fairytales, wishes, and dreams. We, as humans, have been given the mechanics within our minds to create a world among our own in order to teach, inspire, and share. And what a waste it would be to let this power that lies in each and every one of us fade away to the dismal logistics of our conforming world. Imagine a world where imagination lead the way to our future... What is on your mind this morning? What are you imagining for tomorrow?

Oh how colorful the horizon could be if we only utilized the paints of our heart. May we never forget the power of imagination...

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