Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Little Thing

Take a feather in a rainstorm
throw it off into the wind
watch it fall down to the earth
before its flight could begin

Watch the grain of sand get washed away
by a single wave of sea
unsettled for just a moment
but then the earth will let it be

See the branches in a snowstorm
struggle under heavy sheets of ice
then glimmer in the moonlight
in the clearest of winter nights

See the exhale of smoke from a burning fire
dance across the prairie sky
a gust of wind unsettles the rhythm of chaos
and soon even the heat will die

Listen to the lonely owl
whisper secrets in the dark
watching at dusk for his prey to sleep
in the shadows of the park

Hear the breath of the morning
as the sun climbs the rungs of space
to greet each miniscule matter of life
that bring a smile upon your face

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