Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Bucket List

It's Summer as of now... Ok, perhaps the calendar deems June 20th as the first day of the swelter season, but I would like to start now. A list of 15 things to accomplish before September 1st. Getting motivated and oh so excited!
1.     Compile 120+ Poems with illustrations for possible publication
2.     See The Hunger Games movie... FINALLY
3.     Go to at least 2 different concerts
4.     Begin training for Disney half/marathon
5.     Secure a big girl job
6.     Reach over 30 followers for my blog- On The Wing
7.     Play on an organized sports team for a sport I never played as a child
8.     Make an inspirational video and post it on Youtube
9.     Visit baby sister in TN
10.  Make plans for a trip out of the country
11.  Find a new recipe for my favorite food
12.  Find a pen pal in a Spanish speaking country
13.  Eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s and not feel guilty
14.  Read two new books
15.  Complete all 10 Seasons of Friends.

What do you hope to accomplish this summer? Make a list, share it, and get started!

1 comment:

  1. 1. is so exciting!
    8. is such a great idea
    and I love the idea behind 13! I have a friend who decided that ice cream is her favorite thing in the world, so she refuses to ever feel guilty about eating it, no matter how much she consumes! I think it's such a good attitude to have.
    Good luck with 5, though I'm starting to believe it's not all it's cracked up to be.:)


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