Thursday, February 10, 2011

If I had a Valentine...

Valentines Day is coming up on Monday...*Sigh*
I really do love this "holiday", No matter if I am single or taken...
I think it's extremely cute and another reason for us girlies to indulge in chick flicks, chocolate, candy, and flowers... 
(even if they don't necessarily come from a guy)

Unfortunately, I can be a hopeless romantic... and have thought of what the perfect Valentine's Day would consist of for me...

*A handwritten Love Letter

Who takes the time to send snail mail anymore? Someone who wants to take the time to sit and hand write their feelings for you and give you something truly timeless, that's who!
* A simple conversation over coffee, just the two of us
'nuff said.
* A CD with my/his favorite songs
I truly believe the music we listen to speaks a multitude of who we are within our hearts...

Mix them together and you have the foundation of two souls diverged into one soundtrack
*ME making HIM dinner...
I love to cook, and one of the greatest pleasures I have is creating something that tastes good and makes the other person fulfilled and happy. It must be eaten while lounging on the couch, in sweats/PJ's.
*Painting Project together....
I have always wanted to do this...
Hang a large canvas over the limbs of a tree, get 2-3 small buckets of bright colored paints, dip the brushes and splatter paint something crazy, fun and unique
(may get messy, and that's 100% ok!)

Until then... I shall spend this upcoming Valentines Day going downtown with the roomies, getting fabulous cupcakes, and cooking dinner for each other...

Anyone have any special plans for their upcoming Vday?

Happy Day, All <3


  1. Sounds like a perfect Valentine's with your roommates! I am sending out a love letter to Ben. Romantic Win! ;)

  2. Aww yay Jordan! He'll love it! The last true romantic artform :)


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