Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why I've Been MIA

It's been close to a week since I have been able to actually sit down and write a post. Between packing up to move my life back to NC, doctors appointments, and finding the perfect coffee concoctions, I have had a hard time finding twenty minutes to share some thoughts.

Luckily, it's 10:30 on a Tuesday night, my tummy full of yummy pasta and ice cream
(goodbye celebrations with my grandparents always leave my stomach smiling)
and I have a spare few thoughts to splatter across my page...

I'm leaving on Friday to a new life full of adventures...
Or so I hope. No, I know so.
It will be tough at first. I know this...and plan to embrace it-
But can I help it if I have a panic attack at 3:24 on Tuesday afternoon
and the only remedy is green tea, honey, and all season 3 episodes of Friends?
Hardly, my dears.
But I am excited! Very excited to embark on the newest voyage into adulthood.
Responsibilities. Hardships. Joys. Tears. The Unexpected.
So happy to reunite with friends. Long lost yet not forgotten or forsaken.
Like the first jump in the swimming pool in summer
I look forward to the rush. The chill of the expected unexpected.
Bring on the thunder-showers, rainbows. Hail storms and cloudless skies.
Bring on friendships, new and old! I have plenty of room in my heart for them to grow.
Like a garden full of new seedlings. May the skies open with opportunity and growth.
And until then, in the remaining two days at home...
May I understand my place in this community, in this abode where friends melt into family
and laughter melts all anxiety, and love conquers all battles- selfish or selfless
May negativity blow away with the morning winds and my feet travel the road always traveled.
May comfort expand in my blood if only for the next 48 hours.
And may I serve my family and Lord with the utmost gratitude and appreciation
my heart may hold.

God is good. And so is His creation. Happy Hump Day, One and All.

Photo Cred: HERE

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