Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Quick Sunday Post

Nothing beats Blogging with a cup of coffee on a rainy day in my baggy sweats
Just thought I'd post my 5 things for this upcoming week...
1. Get that pile of laundry, that is slowly creeping from my closet out into my bedroom, washed... (And packed away for my much anticipated Spring Break trip down South with this little bundle of joy!)
2. Paint my toenails...and I mean paint them something fun and interesting. Possibly alternating pinks and reds? Possibly all different colors? Don't worry, I'll surprise you!
3. Run in the gorgeous warm weather we're supposed to have here, at least twice, and get to that incredible hour long Yoga session on Tuesday at the rec center- 
Gotta get my burn on!
4. Tackle my Big Girl Court Date on Thursday with Confidence and emerge with my license (and the contents of my wallet) still in tact.
5. Enjoy the end of my week in the Sunshine state soaking up the sun, eating delicious food, basking in the company of amazing friends and family, and reading many of my much anticipated novels.

What is everyone else looking forward to doing this week?
Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I painted my toes blue this weekend too! its just so springy!


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