Friday, February 25, 2011


Sometimes the world seems to spin out of control, sometimes it spins too slow. We are never satisfied with the weather, with the time, or with the outcomes. True, we can't change the weather, and no, we can't stop time... But before we count our miseries, remember that happiness lines the road that got us here, so don't be afraid to take a slow walk in the rain and pick up the stones that glitter amongst the pavement we stroll on.
Take risks. Take many of them, and live how you want. Don't worry about how others live theirs and what they deem appropriate. They'll strive for a different star in the sky, and you yours, but choose your star wisely. Even the brightest may burn out faster than we are willing to work for it...
So work hard, but not too hard. Play often, but don't loose sight of what you could be working towards. If you can intertwine this love for play and love for work, you've mastered the true art of growing up and living life. If you can do this, tell me how...

Don't fool yourself. You are your toughest critic that will only find a reward in being honest and true to yourself and your work. At the end of the day, the only person you have to please is yourself, so know who that is and be. Because you are the only person who knows (better than anyone else) what it means to make (insert your name here) happy...

Now... Bring on the weekend...

1 comment:

  1. absolutely beautiful words maxann!
    just WOW.
    Soo good!
    <3 <3


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