Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Banana Pancakes

This morning, I made me some Banana Pancakes since classes don't start til' the afternoon, I had a bundle of bananners, and I just felt like having a wonderful breakfast, ya dig?
I am also in the process of changing some eating habbits and eating a little more healthy by trying out a vegan lifestyle.. which means no eggs or milk could be used in these flapjacks...
But no worries! I found a scrumptious vegan recipe here that brought some incredible griddle cakes! I urge you to try them out! Just add sliced 'Nanners after you have dropped the batter into the skillet. Top with anything your heart fancies: Honey, Powdered Sugar, Syrup, or even plain! Yummm....!
(This picture is for those of you not worried about the health factor of these pancakes. Get it!)
The rest of the day looks like a mass of homework, reading assignments, internship applications, and hopefully squeeze some creative painting time in there somewhere.
Happy Wednesday, One and All! <3


  1. YUM! I made pancakes this morning too, except mine were absolutely NOT healthy... whole wheat flap jacks with chocolate chips and pecans. Kind of tasted like a big cookie.

    When I was in high school I hated getting out of bed in the morning, so my dad made a deal with me: If I woke up in time, he would make me whatever I wanted for breakfast. Little did he know he would end up having to make whole wheat chocolate chip pecan pancakes every day for 2 years. When he would wake me up he would sing Banana Pancakes, so now I can't hear that song and not think of him. :)

    Sorry for the novel, haha. And thanks for linking me yesterday, you are too sweet!

  2. mmmm that looks so good! I've never had banana pancakes though...
    my ex from high school learned the song on ukulele for me and he always used to play the stupid ukulele EVERYWHERE we went.... i kinda hate the ukulele now cause he never shut up with that dumb thing!!


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