Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lessons Learned

In a world where something can be so easily given, so can it be just as easily taken away. So relish in the world around you. Every snowflake, every raindrop, every ounce of sunshine and every rush of wind. Feel it, capture it on your pores. It's this rush of the subconscious that pushes us to great heights, provides us with the strength to soar. But you must first allow it so captivate you, so let it in...
Don't follow someone else's foot steps. They have already sank in the sand, leaving nothing but a ditch that will leave you to fall in sync with the predictable. Don't ask for anyone else's advice on something that applies only to you. They'll give you an "if it were me..." answer. The problem is... it's not them, so live it out the only way you know how...
Everyone has their own problems. Don't weigh someone else down with your misfortunes or bad news. Look to the sky and know God's will is instilled in everything you do, everything you say, and everything you accomplish... If you desire it to be. Walk in the light, provide the light, all while continuously searching for the light. If you surround yourself with sunbeams and stars, the sky can never grow dark.
Love will come, Love will go. But all in all, nothing is ever a mistake, and the minute you believe it was, you're mistaken. You'll make friends, you'll lose some. That is how life goes. People change with time, and if those around you can't keep up with you, don't worry. Everyone is in this race together, and those who have the same endurance and pace as you will find you and stick with you until the finish line. 

And that's what I've learned this week.

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