Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Order to be Loved...

When starting a relationship, I feel like many look for someone who fits exactly what they are looking for. We know what it feels like to find someone and show them our love and affection. We as human beings have been instilled with the capacity to love others, especially someone known as "your other half".
Most of the times we may not be able to explain it. Maybe it's their smile or their eyes. Maybe it's the way they make you laugh or their funny "little things" that they do that makes them that much more unique, that much more lovable.
But sometimes I think that we get so comfortable recognizing what we are looking for in someone else that we forget that they too have found something unique in us. Take a look at one of my favorite quotes: "In order to be loved, one must first perceive themselves as lovable"
Of course everyone is lovable (Even though we know certain people that aren't exactly our personal cup of tea) 
But I ask you to really think about this...
Not the girl sitting beside you in class
Not the guy standing behind you in the grocery store check out
you have a life only you've lived, well... all of your life (I know, redundant, but stick with me...)
You grew up writing your own story, your own way of life that will look different, unique, and interesting to everyone else. You hold on to beliefs, morals, memories, skills and talents that not everyone else can say they have. Grow in that knowledge. Live everyday knowing that you have so much to offer someone else that they wont be able to find in another single human being, anywhere on this earth.
We know how to love others, but can we picture how others will fall in love with us? I know it is a strange thought, loving ourselves from a different perspective. Maybe think about it this way. You love someone else, and they are seeing your examples of love as how they believe LOVE IS. YOU are their definition of what love looks like.  And that's pretty darn important.
In order for others to love us fully, we must know how we want to be loved. Know how you want to be treated and what you want others to see in you. All the beauty, passion, intrigue that rests only in you. Then, truly believe it will come to you. 

"To the World, You may be One Person, but to One Person, You are the World"-Heather Cortez

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