Start the Countdown!
12 Days until the Lake Wylie Sprint Triathlon in Fort Mill, SC
My first thought when deciding to do a triathlon was: "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to do this with my friends and try something new!"
Second thought: "How the heck do I train for this thing?"
Second thought: "How the heck do I train for this thing?"

Well, it's been three weeks since I decided to actually go through with it, and for three weeks I have tried to make my own training schedule. And as of now, I have 1 week left before I am supposed to rest before The Big Day.
I started off with just one a days, trying to bring up my endurance. 4-6 mile runs in the mornings, 9-13 mile bike rides every other day, and only a few ocean swims for consecutive 10 minutes, repeating until a 30 min workout was completed.

This week will be my last 6 days of two-a-morning bike/run sessions, with afternoon swimming Mon/Wed/Fri.
Whew, that makes me tired just looking at it! But i know it must be done if I want to finish this race in good standing...and standing up.
I just completed my first morning of a 14 mile ride followed by an immediate two mile run, and feeling pretty darn good! But I know by mid-week, optimism could be running low, so I must keep in mind my favorite motivational speaker's notorious words:
"Just Keep Swimming! Just Keep Swimming!"
"Just Keep Swimming! Just Keep Swimming!"

(... and biking... and running)
SO EXCITED!! (and very slightly intimidated... by the event, not so much by you... ok maybe a little by you. :-)