For some, this is absolutely terrifying!
I think its because our country has portrayed this sense of being individualistic as such a high priority that people try so hard to be unique. But eventually, they all just start blending into the group labeled: NO LABEL

"Why would I want to walk around with a label on myself? I want to be my own person, not tied down to a single word or phrase that sums up Who I Am. I Am More Than That!"

But just because we have a label, doesn't mean we aren't original, unique, and most importantly: Remarkable.
It takes a strong person to come out into the world with no label and say: Take me as I am, You Can't Define Me.
But it takes an even stronger person to know their label, and let it shine so that everyone may see it at its brightest moment.
It's up to you to bring forth your own distinct meaning behind an ordinary combination of letters.
I'm not saying we all need to walk around with that one word etched into our foreheads, but I am saying that we should take some time and think about who we are, declare it, and essentially OWN it with everything we are. In the end, it is your responsibility to take who you are, and drive it into everything you do: for yourself, for others, and for the world.
My Name is Roxy, and I'm a Dreamer
(Want more? My amazing pastor from Lifepoint Church, Jeff Kapusta, goes into how we go about choosing these labels and how we must not get confused between "Who We Are" and "What We Do.")
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