Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bucket List Item #39- Run a Full Marathon

Twenty Six point two miles. When you write it out, it doesn't look as scary. But put in numerals, the 26.2 mile trek has intimidated me since my first 5k, occurring when I was only fourteen years old.

Running cross country in high school up through my freshman year at college, I always tucked the idea of running the golden shrine of all running races into my back pocket to be forgotten. The coup-de-grady of all running races... if you will. But since quitting track in college due to a back injury, I have been asked over and over if I would go on to finally finish the fierce challenge. 

After a handful of flat out "no's", laughing in their faces, and eye rolls, I knew I couldn't ignore #39 on my bucket list any longer. 

Yes, it finally happened... I conquered my first full marathon. And not just any marathon... but the Disney Full! 

The weekend began with my arrival on Friday night to spend a day in New Smyrna with my parents and grandparents. Saturday followed with an amazing breakfast down on the marina, a walk through the farmers market, then a drive to Orlando to pick up my pre-race packet and carbo load.

Sunday morning came too early- a 3:30am wake up call and we were off to the starting line. Fireworks, a gun shot, and a pair of black ears later- we were off.

And a near four hours later... I crawled across that finish line to meet my incredible parents who picked me up off my tired feet and hugged me until any remaining lung function I had was completely depleted. Needless to say- even though the training process spanned from July to January and my feet underwent multiple injuries... It was worth everything and more!


Thanks Mickey! You made this some-what painful race into something magical and completely unforgettable! #39... You've officially been crossed off the bucket list!

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