Thursday, April 26, 2012

Paint Prep

If you follow me on Pinterest... (Which you should, 'Cause I'd love you forever and ever... and more than likely follow you in return) You've probably noticed a trend.
Headboards, dressers, lighting, Oh My!

With the Charlotte-countdown-to-move-in barely above the 4 week mark, I am starting to get down and dirty with the move-out process. I recently cleared out my closet, ridding my packing process of old skirts and sweaters. But lets face it, I'll probably have to go through it AGAIN just to make the total number of clothing boxes fall below 10...hundred (only kidding... or am I?)


Along with the clean out, I have been collecting bedroom furniture, painting pictures, and browsing through IKEA. It's getting real, folks! Remember when I posted this thought on facebook?

Well, I am still working on the job and pet part (which is turning out to be a lot harder than originally anticipated), but with the move-in comes the chance to decorate my bedroom! And instead of the usual bright oranges, blues, and yellows- I am heading toward a more neutral approach:
Browns, whites, navys, and copper.

3 years ago, I took a wicker 4-drawer dresser from my mom's own furniture stash, painted it white, and used it at school.

 But like I said, I am leaning towards the brown wood look. 3 cans of spray paint later...

What do you think? It's like a blonde transforming into a luscious brundette... kinda?
Until later, I will continue my daily quest for all things move-worthy, a bridal shower gift, and the recipe for the perfect banana pancakes. Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. It looks so good, I love it!! I am so excited for your move here! Just be patient, a job will come, we're still working on you out here at Premier! Are you on Linked In?


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