Friday, August 13, 2010

Week of Change!

So, Next Week starts off my third year here at school in the lovely, Wilmington North Carolina.
And yes, I am a little sad that sweet summertime is coming to a close, but I am also excited because my schedule is about to just SPRING into action!
  • New Classes
  • New Job
  • Volunteering
  • Half Marathon Training
  • A Busy, Busy Schedule! (  Hurrayy!! :D )
I am the kind of girl who loves to be on her feet, always moving, always working on something, somewhere. So after this weekend, I will be in full swing! 
Also, with a new school year coming into play, so comes the desire to start making small changes in my well being (Kind of like, reviving those New Years Resolutions!)
So on my list of self improvements for this month, I have...

1. Weening Off Sugar/Sweets
I am a sweets junkie. Anything with sugar sounds incredibly delicious to me whether its 8pm or 2am. You name it: Ice Cream, Chocolate, Donuts, Muffins, Candy, Cookies, etc...
but with all of my running and training in store, its time to start eating like a runner... Healthy

2. Become More Organized
I am ordinarily an organized person. But when it comes to classes, deadlines, homework placements, and the management of time, I may need a wee-bit of help. That's why I am going shopping this weekend for a cute, non-expensive daily planner. Here are a few I'm looking at:

All of these Cute Day Planners can be found at Barnes and Noble, $4.49-$6.69

3. Removal of the Facebook ((GASP!!))
I have come to realize as a Communication Studies Student, Social Networking is a very important part of the outreach-ing process. But I am just spending WAY too much time on there when I could be writing, cleaning, running errands, and being more active. So, until I can establish a thicker line between my actual social life and my Cyberspace Friends, So long Facebookers!

That is all folks!
Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following! I'm also training for a half marathon & I'm a total sugar addict too. Unfortunately for me though, I use the training as an excuse... "Oh I ran 8 miles this morning? I can have 8 cookies tonight." Epic fail. Good luck to you and cute blog!


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